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The Whole Counsel of God

Pastor Jeff’s message this week is from Acts 20:17-38, titled “The Whole Counsel of God”. Join us for Worship beginning at 8:30 or 10:30 this Sunday morning.

Women’s Bible Study

The Book of Job.

Men’s Bible Study

Tuesday mornings at 6:30 in the fellowship hall.

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Sunday Morning Children’s Church 10:30 a.m.
 Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto Me…” and that is what we desire here at Calvary Chapel.  We have a service designed for the kids at their level with a time of worship and singing followed by teaching that is age appropriate and based on God’s Word.
CCGJ’s Children’s Ministry seeks to fill our little one’s hearts and minds with the precious Word of God! In a world that offers no hope we offer the hope of Jesus. Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope.”

Our classes are lovingly staffed by volunteers who truly want to bring your children to a knowledge of God’s love. The preschool -kindergarten classes use the Gospel Light curriculum geared just for them. The 1st -5th grades are beginning “Calvary Curriculum” which is based completely on the Word. God’s Word is a love letter sent to us by our Creator and we truly seek to open that up to our children. “Psalm 119:162 “I rejoice in your Word like one who discovers a great treasure.”

Our Children’s Ministry is also a ministry to families. We have resources and ideas for parents to share God’s love with their children during the week. We appreciate parents helping with memory verses and visiting with them about what they learn during the week.

Keeping families safe is very important to us: we have an electronic check-in system that ensures security for them on Sunday mornings and a watchful security team. Our teachers and helpers have been through background checks and are carefully chosen.

Pam Currier is our Children’s Ministry Director.

Pam’s bio:

I am so excited to be the CCGJ Children’s Ministry Director! I have worked with children since I was a teenager. I married my husband Jim in 1974 and we had been involved in several churches in different locations before coming to make Calvary Chapel our home in 1990.

We have 4 amazing children and 11 grandchildren who are the joy of our lives. My hobbies include sewing, canning, baking and those delightful grandchildren.

I love your children and many of them already call me Nana Pam. I have a heart for nurturing and teaching these little ones to love Jesus and make Him the Lord of their lives.

“Behold children are a gift of the Lord”, Psalm 127:3a