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The Whole Counsel of God

Pastor Jeff’s message this week is from Acts 20:17-38, titled “The Whole Counsel of God”. Join us for Worship beginning at 8:30 or 10:30 this Sunday morning.

Women’s Bible Study

The Book of Job.

Men’s Bible Study

Tuesday mornings at 6:30 in the fellowship hall.

Join Us on Youtube

Visit our YouTube channel any time to find our latest videos, including past livestreamed services.

Click here to go to our YouTube channel

Currently the middle school is meeting on Sunday mornings in the youth room. Worship is in the main sanctuary at 9:30.
After the break at about 10:00 join us in the youth room for Bible study and fellowship.

Come Join us Wednesday evening @ 6:30 in the youth room as we have a Bible study, fun and fellowship.
Middle School and High School are combined on Wednesday nights.

Calvary Chapel Youth Group Facebook page

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Call the church office at 970-243-2579 for more info.